######### Switch

Library: Input/Output Extra
Introduced: 2.15 in Logisim ITA Component
Appearance: #########


This component simulates a switch. When it's open, its west output is set to the undefined state (U), and when it's closed it copies the state of its east input to its output.


East edge:
Output: Has undefined state (U) when switch is open and copies input state when switch is closed. Data width in bit according to Data Bits attribute.
West edge:
Input: Signal to be copied to output when switch is closed. Data width in bit according to Data Bits attribute.


When the component is selected or being added, the arrow keys alter its Facing attribute.

The side of the component where its output pin should be.
Data Bits
The bit width of the value placed onto the wire.
The color of the switch background.
The text within the label associated with the component.
Label Location
The location of the label relative to the component.
Label Font
The font with which to render the label.

Poke Tool Behavior

Each left-click on the switch toggles it from one state to another.

Text Tool Behavior

Allows you to modify the label associated with the component.

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